The pilot project “KIV-digital” (Kommunale Inventar Verwaltung) was recently launched in the town of Bedburg. Together with the mayor of Bedburg, Sascha Solbach, the first traffic signs were marked with a unique code and recorded via mobile app. “This pilot project is very exciting for the town of Bedburg, as it will enable us to digitally manage traffic signs and, if necessary, other furniture such as benches or playground equipment in the future,” said Sascha Solbach enthusiastically after the meeting. Torsten Stamm, specialist service provider for urban planning, building regulations and business development, adds: “The aim is to have a detailed view at all times of the objects in the public space that are to be maintained by the town. This opens up many possibilities for the town’s employees, but also for the citizens in particular, and uses a (still) small example to show the way of the town of Bedburg into the digital future.” Based on the global and widely used identification standard from GS1 Germany, oneIDentity+ GmbH developed the KIV app and the KIV portal for this purpose. Both are now being tested and further developed together with employees of the town of Bedburg as part of the pilot project, which is scheduled to run for just under 3 months, in order to also support other municipalities with digitization. For more information, visit

Reference Photos:
Sascha Solbach, Mayor of the town of Bedburg
Guido Linden, GS1 Germany
© oneIDentity+ GmbH | Bedburg | 22.06.2020